The Facebook Profile changes again
Many Facebook users are still struggling to get used to the recent changes, but that is nothing compared with what is to come. Last week Facebook announced the new ‘Timeline’ profile page and we at Skipedia have been looking into what that will mean to individuals and brands.
What will my profile look like?
Your profile will change from one column to two, and will become a customisable scrapbook of your entire life, searchable by date. Have a look at the image below for an example of how a Timeline profile can look.
How it will look will depend a lot on how much time you are prepared to put in to curate it, but as ‘personal branding’ is very this decade (and now even more so), you can be sure many Facebook users will be working hard to make sure their look is right.
What about Company/Brand Pages?
As yet Facebook has not confirmed how company pages might change. It seems likely that they will change in due course as well, although there are no clues as to whether landing pages will still exist.
Certainly there would be the opportunity to lay out the brand’s history, allowing much more opportunity to deliver a marketing message than at present.
Mashable recently asked several agencies how they thought brands might adopt to the new format. Here are some we liked:
Skipedia will keep you up to date
Whatever changes do occur, you can count on Skipedia to keep you up to date and offer the best marketing advice possible.