Firstly credit must go to Greg Blanchard at Slopefillers.  He has been analysing North American ski resorts’ marketing activity closely for years.

Last week he published a new blog post ‘The Top 100 Resort Facebook Posts Shared During the 2013/14 Ski Season‘.

We highly recommend that all snowsports marketing professionals take a look at this page, for some insight into what triggers shares and likes.

Was this the best Facebook post by a ski resort in winter 2013/14?

Actually, according to the list, ranked by ‘Like Rate’ (i.e. Likes/Followers), this post only came 8th.

First on the list was this from Ski Bluewood, but we love this post from Mt Brighton – a small resort in Michigan, USA.

What a difference two days make!  We’d share this pic and we bet you would too…


Mount Brighton Facebook post


By Iain Martin