We were impressed with Crystal Ski’s recent video ‘The Mountain is Yours‘, released last week.

Filmed in Hintertux in April 2015, the short film depicts five amusing ski stereotypes: the Mile Muncher, the Gadget Guru, the Piste Princess, the Park Rat and the Apres Animal.

ski explorers


Crystal staff, rather than models

Rather than using models, all the ‘Ski Explorers’ featured in the video are Crystal staff, based in the UK office.

The Ski Explorer name comes from Crystal’s own app, which they launched two years ago and enhanced in their 2.0 release last year.

The video’s original ideas were developed from last year’s Facebook ‘ski personality’ quiz.  Some of the staff were convinced they were just like the personalities in the quiz – and that’s how this year’s video featuring them came about.

You can view the video here:


Cost v. Benefit

The video cost ‘less than £10,000’ and will be considered a success if it reaches 20,000 views. Currently it has over 3000.

Last year’s ‘The Mountain is Calling’ series of videos will have cost much more and will certainly have had paid promotion to log the 800,000 views they have generated.

However, the sense of humour and adventure that they capture will certainly have increased the number of viral shares via Facebook and other social channels.

Success with video is hard to pin down exactly. Views are a great way of measuring ROI, but how do you measure the goodwill that’s created by making someone smile?

Credit should go to Crystal not just for their continued investment in video, but for getting the delivery right.


Article by Iain Martin