AI (Artificial Intelligence) is changing fast.
A few years ago, it was just the name of one of Steven Spielberg’s less good movies, but in 2023 AI has moved from the world of ‘futurologists’ into the mainstream.
The chances are that even if you haven’t tried ChatGPT (or Google’s ‘Bard’), you will certainly have heard of it.
Does AI pose an existential threat to millions? Will it end Google’s dominance of search? How will it affect the travel industry?

It is still very early in this dynamic journey, so there are no definitive answers yet.
However, we thought it would be interesting to test how good ChatGPT is at answering questions about ski holidays.
Let’s have a look at how our AI friend got on…
Advice on a family ski holiday for four

Quality of answer – 7/10
Testing has shown that the more precise your query is, the better the response ChatGPT will give you. Hence this detail within the question, specifying skier ability, children’s ages, mode of travel and apres requirements.
The answer makes full logical sense, although perhaps a human would be less likely to recommend a relatively low resort such as Les Gets for a late season trip.
Options for a ‘lads’ ski weekend’

Quality of answer – 10/10
It’s hard to find any fault with this suggestion. I’d suggest St Anton myself too.
Buying or renting?

Quality of answer – 8/10
This is about as good an answer as you can get without knowing more about the individual and how often they ski. It sums up the pros and cons extremely well.
How to find a ski job

Quality of answer – 5/10
On the face of it, this is a reasonable answer. However, the main issue is that there is no reference to whether ‘my daughter’ has the right to work in Europe or beyond. If by chance she had an EU passport then this answer could make sense, but without one much of it is irrelevant.
I was interested to see Winter Sports and the Working Holiday Club suggested. I’d never heard of these websites before and both are full of resort jobs such as lifties, groomer drivers and park shapers.
Ski ‘experts’ are not out of a job yet, but AI is coming for us!