Should you Photoshop your Facebook Cover Photo?
Should you Photoshop your Facebook Cover Photo? Well, if you mean making the sky a bit bluer, or the snow a bit whiter, then go for it. But if you are just making a beautiful picture worse, as Cauterets have done here, then the answer is no. This doesn’t make me think, ‘Hey, look I...

Great use of Facebook Timeline Cover Photo by Thredbo Ski Resort
As the start of the season in the Southern Hemisphere gets nearer, Thredbo Ski Resort in Australia have been making great use of the Facebook Timeline Cover Photo. They have been counting down the number of days to the start of the season since 37 days to go: By changing the Cover Photo every day,...

Facebook Cover Photo Guidelines for Pages: do they matter?
Last week we highlighted some companies breaking the official Facebook Cover Photo guidelines for Pages. With Facebook Timeline for Pages still only a few weeks old, it increasingly seems that their guidelines are unenforceable. We noticed two more dubious Cover Photos this week, from the ski areas of Sun Peaks and the Portes du Soleil:...

Three examples of ski companies breaking Facebook’s Timeline Cover Photo guidelines
Less than a month ago that Timeline became the standard format for brand pages on Facebook. When the new style was announced, we pointed out the key Timeline features. Last month we looked at a early adopters who had already converted to Timeline. We also looked at the UK’s largest ski company, Crystal Holidays, when...

Crystal Ski introduce impressive Facebook Timeline
Following our recent article on Facebook Timelines already introduced by British tour operators, we were interested to see that the UK’s largest tour operator introduced their own Timeline yesterday. Crystal Holidays have been confident users of social media and have invested resources to ensure they have a strong social media presence. So it was no surprise...

Five Things You Need To Know About Timeline For Facebook Pages
Okay, by now you know that yesterday Timeline for Facebook Pages went live. Currently it’s optional to ‘upgrade’, but all Pages will automatically be converted on 30 March 2012. So what do you need to know? Summary for the time-poor, cash-rich The Cover Image arrives Landing Pages are gone There are lots of customisable features...