Austrian Tourism have just launched a new marketing campaign in London – using a black cab.

The taxi is covered in wrap around branding, but has the twist that on certain days, customers will be able to win a free holiday.
austrian quiz taxi
Customers can win a holiday

The promotion was launched by Graham Bell earlier this week by video (see below).  The competition aspect is only available on Mondays (the 13th, 20th and 27th October), but I guess that will lift the spirits of any Londoners suffering from Monday-itis.

As well as being able to enter the competition, the fare will also be paid by Austria Tourism.


If you don’t manage to catch the cab itself, Tourism Austria are inviting people to tweet a photo of the cab using the hashtag #snowAustria for the chance to win vouchers.

Limited audience

It sounds like a lot of effort for a limited exposure – there will not be many actual customers in total, so anyone who manages to get in the cab on the three chosen days will stand a great chance of winning.

Whether it’s value for money and delivers ROI will more likely depend on how many social shares the promotion generates.