Every now and then one of the magazines runs a ‘hero’ feature on skiing in Iran – amazing photos, but generally out of reach of the general public.

But that may be about to change.  Last month, Nick Williams – MD of Mountain Heaven – visited Dizin ski resort in Iran, with a view to offering it to British skiers.


skiing in iran

Yes, they have snowboarding too!

Escorted trips to Iran

The aim is to put together a small programme of escorted trips next season to this previously closed country.

“Although visas are still required there has been significant progress towards opening up Iran to tourism.” Nick told Skipedia.


iran mountain restaurant

(c) Mountain Heaven


‘All the bad press is simply not true’

On arrival in Tehran, Nick was immediately impressed with the country:

“All the bad press is simply not true. There are no women in Burkas; there are no chanting mobs shouting ‘death to America’ and no scenes from ‘Homeland’ either.”


tehran view

View of Tehran with the mountains behind

Superb food

“Travelling as a group, organised by a bonded tour operator, will make it simpler for curious skiers to enjoy the skiing, Iranian culture, fantastic food and a very warm welcome!”



Who needs Tartiflette…!

Great views and snow

Nick will be leading the groups himself next winter and is looking forward to showing off this ‘little-known ski gem’.

Views like this could be yours

Views like this could be yours


Article by Iain Martin