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Posts tagged "article"
'Fastpacking' article on

‘Fastpacking’ article on

Iain’s article about his recent four-day ‘fastpack’ of the Tour du Mont Blanc has been published at Iain travelled to France in July. ‘Fast-packing’ is hiking, but lighter and faster – it’s great training for trail running races. Iain’s trip was a recce for the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc trail running race, taking...
Les Arcs 'Green' article on

Les Arcs ‘Green’ article on

Iain from Skipedia, The Ski Podcast and founder of Ski Flight Free travelled to Les Arcs in December 2020 to test out the resorts’ green credentials. His article about his green review has now been published on Iain travelled by train to Bourg St Maurice and then took the new funicular up to Les Arcs You can listen to...
Aspen 'Ski Thief' article on

Aspen ‘Ski Thief’ article on

Iain from Skipedia and The Ski Podcast recently interviewed Jason Auslander from The Aspen Times about Derek Johnson – ‘The World’s Most Prolific Ski Thief.’ You can listen to the full interview in Episode 52 of The Ski Podcast and read the article in InTheSnow Magazine:
'Ski A&E' article by Skipedia on

‘Ski A&E’ article by Skipedia on

Iain’s interview with John Quinn and Sean Doherty from North One TV about their new TV programme ‘Ski A&E’ was recently published by Iain interviewed John and Sean for Episode 43 of The Ski Podcast. You can listen to it here (14 minutes in):
Hardmoors 60 report by Skipedia in Trail Running Magazine

Hardmoors 60 report by Skipedia in Trail Running Magazine

Iain’s race report from the 2019 Hardmoors 60 ultra marathon has been published by Trail Running Magazine. You can watch Iain’s video report here: Iain uses custom insoles from Profeet
French Pyrénées article by Skipedia on

French Pyrénées article by Skipedia on

Iain’s article on his recent visit to Ax 3 Domaines and Les Angles in the French Pyrénées has been published on