Following our recent article on Facebook Timelines already introduced by British tour operators, we were interested to see that the UK’s largest tour operator introduced their own Timeline yesterday.
Crystal Holidays have been confident users of social media and have invested resources to ensure they have a strong social media presence. So it was no surprise to see that they have spent a considerable amount of time curating their Timeline.
The new Crystal Timeline
The colourful Cover Image neatly connects their Profile Image to the snow using receding squares, plus there is another logo in the top right, making use of the valuable real estate available.
In some respects, the additional logo is necessary, as the stylised Profile Image is not recognisable as the Crystal Ski logo on its own. It also reminded me of something (*see bottom of page).
Great use of Timeline
Where Crystal’s Timeline succeeds is how well they have populated it with the history of the company. Since the company was founded in 1981, there are updates over 14 different years, including brochure covers and awards won.
It gives a great feeling for the longevity, history and reliability of the brand.
That Profile Image reminds me of something…
The new image bears a more than passing similarity to another British ski tour operator’s Facebook Profile Image. Bonus points if you can you name them without taking the link:
Philly says:
Mar 30, 2012
I think Ski Independence had their logo first.
claire says:
Mar 30, 2012
It`s Ski Independence I think, in fact I am sure it is.
michael says:
Apr 2, 2012
Ski Independence! The logo on the right came before the logo on the left